Weston Clevedon & Portishead Railway Home

Copyright © 2004-2015

Paul Gregory  

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Misc. Features

Apart from the stations, other main features of the railway are as follows. Note that all of these can also be found by clicking the feature on the appropriate maps.

Quarries -

There were three quarries served by the railway - Black Rock & Nightingale quarries were close together and served by the same sidings. They can be found on the Portishead area map. The third one, Conygar Quarry was close to Clevedon and can be found on the Clevedon area map.

Clevedon Gas Works -

The Gas Works can be found on the Clevedon area map.

Clevedon Triangle -

Trains crossed over the road at the heart of Clevedon at this complex crossing. More details ...

Yeo Bridge -

The main bridge of any note was Yeo Bridge, the remains of which survive. This bridge can be found on the Kingston Seymour area map.

Portishead Bridges -

There were two bridges at Portishead where the railway crossed a rhyne, the remains of one surving today. See Portishead Bridges.

Wharf -

There was a Wharf on the River Yeo close to the bridge. This can be found on the Kingston Seymour area map.